Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Good Morning!

In a little less than a a week I'll be starting my Masters at Johns Hopkins University and I'm a little nervous about it. I've always been a very hard worker... I started Kindergarten a year early, got my first job at 14, & finished undergrad in three years. Hell, I even potty trained myself. But something about this seems different. I don't think it's the name that intimidates me really, I think it's more what this program means. This is my future. This is my career and my passion. I love children and education and this is the first time that I'll be able to dedicate 100% of my attention to developing my craft, that both excites and terrifies me... that and the ridiculous bill I'm paying to do so.
Well, at any rate this is my blog. I'll probably write about everything from food to fashion, social justice to my social life... my health and my happiness. I hope that some of it will be profound but most of it will probably just be... welcome to my musings.